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Ashad Ka Ek Din

Malika and Matul.jpg

"Ashad ka Din" is one of the classic text in Indian literature that debuted in 1958,  Mohan Rakesh have written this play with such pure emotions and involvement that Kalidas and his beloved Malika have made a special place in our heart and memory. This play turns out to be a milestone in Hindi literature and works as a bridge between Hindi and Sanskrit literature.

"Ashad Ka ek Din" was first performed on 8th Jan 2018 on 98th birthday of Mohan Rakesh in presence of his wife and son Neeta Rakesh and Sankalp Rakesh respectively. Famous theatre personalities like Shr.Bhanu Bharti and Teekam Joshi were present on this occasion. Famous Theatre critic Diwan Singh  Bajeli was also present on this occasion which made this play a remarkable and memorable occasion.

This play was again performed on

  • 21st April 2018 at Akshara Theatre Delhi and 

  • 23rd April 2018 in Hindu College, one of the prestigious colleges of Delhi University, in an auditorium full with loving audience.

  • 31st August 2018 in Ram Lal Anand college Delhi University .

  • 2nd October 2018 International Theatre Festival Bareilly.

  • 16th June 2019 Civil Services Officers Institute , Delhi

Synopsis of the Play:

"Aashad Ka Ek Din" written by Mohan Rakesh is composed and woven around special life events of Mahakavi Kalidas.

Mohan Rakesh have written this play with such pure emotions and involvement that Kalidas and his beloved Mallika have made a special place in our heart and memory.This play turns out to be a milestone in Hindi literature and works as a bridge between Hindi and Sanskrit literature.

Along with the main story line there are many other stories running  parallel to each other. Which gives Birth to other important characters like Vilom , who with his presence in all three acts brings up those issues and thoughts which are hidden and unspoken .Ambika emerges as one of the most important character of the play portraying the selfless love of a woman and her commitment. Matul is another important character resembling “Vidushak and Vit” from Sanskrit plays similar to Anuswar-Anunasik and Rangini-Sangini.Dantul being the “Rajpurush” on other hand Nikshep a close friend of Kalidas .Character of “Priyagumanjari “ adds pace to story and provides it new dimensions.

In short this play is just not a love story of Malika and Kalidas, this play brings up questions which bothers our minds and conscious ,and leads us towards there solution.

Director’s Note

Ashad Ka Ek din is not just a play for me it’s a dream which is going to be staged because of Shoonya theatre group .World of theatre is a world which we create after continuous efforts of months , which even being a world of  imagination  is close to truth and reality. We realize this when we get involved in a script with so much depth and soul that we don’t realize there is world outside it.

“Ashad Ka Ek Din” is one the classic creations of 1950s, my connection with “Ashad ka Ek Din” is very deep and very old, since very long seeds of this play have been laid inside my mind and after nurturing them over years I believe now is the correct time to bring it to life.

Shoonya played a vital role in fulfilling this dream. Vineet khanna took the initiative , motivated us to start with reading of this play and this  is how we three ,me Vineet and Mayank started reading the play. With continuous reading of the play different artists started getting associated with play and process of casting got completed in a very simple manner.

Every actor is deeply associated with his or her character Vineet as a Vilom, Mayank as kalidas ,Ankur as Dantul and Nikshep , Rahul in character of Matul, Manisha as Ambika, Vaishali in priyangumajari and Rangini , shubhangi as sangini , Ujjwal and Sunny as anuswar and anunasik respectively .

A very vital role is played by our back stage team  Ajay, Deepu, Devesh,Shekhar, Shivani , Bunny ,Shweta and many more.

It is due to love and support of everyone that this beautiful dream of mine has come to life.

Cast and Credits

Malika : Rama Yadav

Kalidas : Mayank

Vilom : Arwaz Qureshi

Ambika : Shweta

Matul: Surjeet

Dantul: Deepu


Rangini: Ujwal

Sangini : Ajay

Priyangumanjari : Shubhangi

Anuswar: Sunny

Anunasik : Ujjwal

Design & Direction: Dr Rama Yadav

Light Design: Atul Mishra

Music: Vineet Khana




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