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News paper reviews of "Ashad ka Ek Din"

Updated: Oct 26, 2021

“Ashad Ka Ek Din” first performed on 8th Jan 2018 on 98th birthday of Mohan Rakesh in presence of his wife and son Neeta Rakesh and Sankalp Rakesh respectively. Famous theatre personalities like Shr.Bhanu Bharti and Teekam Joshi were present on this occasion. Famous Theatre critic Diwan Singh Bajeli was also present on this occasion which made this play a remarkable and memorable occasion.

This play was again performed on

1) 21st April at Akshara Theatre Delhi and

2) 23rd April in Hindu College, one of the prestigious colleges of Delhi University, in an auditorium full of loving audience.

3) 31st August in Ram Lal Anand College Delhi University .

4) 2nd October International Theatre Festival Bareilly.

5) 16th June 2019 Civil Services Officers Institute Delhi

6) 1st Dec 2019 Crafts Museum

Below are few news paper reviews of Ashad Ka Ek Din

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